Best Instagram Apps By Product Hunt

Do you read the newsletter from Product Hunt? If you’re into new apps, podcasts or products, I’d seriously recommend following their blog. I recently received their list “Instagram Products – creative and useful apps  and services for Instagram lovers” and decided to write a short blog post on Instagram apps that I’ve tried myself!


Get it From App Store: Hyperlapse

It’s one of the most popular apps in the App Store and it lets you shoot (almost flawless) videos for Instagram and Facebook. Some of the features include:

  • Film up to 12x speed
  • Anti-shock stabilization allows filming while you move
  • Immediate sharing to Facebook and Instagram

Is this an app that you can’t live without? I don’t think so. Perhaps for those of you who love shooting very visual and almost cinematic videos this will be a great solution. For me the traditional video camera in my iPhone works just fine. And two things that are a bit frustrating and so I won’t get back to it again:

1) It’s the only Instagram app that’s not embedded in Instagram. This means you need to go to Hyperlapse, make your movie and if you want to share it, you will be transferred to Instagram (or Facebook).

2) Say you want to speed up your video which lasts 2 seconds. You now want to share it on Instagram. Forget about it! Instagram only lets you share videos that are longer than 3 seconds. And now what?


Get it From App Store: Boomerang

I’d call it a gif maker for Instagram (see my complete review on this app here). It takes a stream of 5 pictures and combines it into a 1-second video loop that you can then share on your social media channels. I used it for a few days and didn’t get back to it anymore. I actually like gifs but I prefer funny ones featuring celebrities that you can find e.g. on And if I want to send a funny animation of myself, I just use Snapchat which has way more features. I’m not sure Instagram, the channel which hosts the ‘always pitch-perfect’ content created by fashion and beauty bloggers, is the best platform to make fun of yourself with funny gifs.


Get it From App Store: Layout

Another app produced by Instagram which creates beautiful collages that you can share with your friends. It’s a handy add-on for those of you who create interactive content or share holiday memories with friends or family.

Again, another Instagram app which I used for few days and then it kinda disappeared on my phone. I didn’t find it useful at all, as I mainly share single images on Instagram. In general, collages are not really sexy to share and the images become too small once they’re added to a layout containing more than 4 visuals in one.

Analytics for Instagram by Edward Marks

Get it From App Store: Analytics for Instagram by Edward Marks

How cool would it be if this app was actually owned by Instagram? We still hear crickets when it comes to the analytics feature on Instagram, but Edward Marks came up with his own product.

Just before you get excited, this app measures just the basic metrics of your Instagram profile: followers growth, posts posted, post likes and comments. There is no data on each post reach or basic demographics of your following.

What is also an interesting feature? Add different Instagram accounts for easy competitor monitoring!

Find More Instagram Apps!

The full list on Instagram apps is to be found here. I browsed through the collection and apart from apps that mimic Analytics or Layout, I found one that might be interesting for those of you who like to play with their images from time to time.

Have you heard of #bestnine shared by celebrities at the end of 2015? This app enables you to create your own collage from your posts basing on how popular they were. It’s such a cool way to express yourself yet again, for me it’s just a temporary hype everyone shares in one day and later on forgets about it. It’s fun though!

What Do You Recommend?

Have you come across any interesting apps or products for Instagram? Can you share your feedback on the apps I’ve mentioned in this blog post? Let me know in the comments here below!

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